Monday, August 15, 2011


day 336:

when it rains on your vacation you have to find things to keep yourself from going stir crazy.

uno is the perfect game.

my favorite part of tonight's uno was watching nick play. he is just learning how, so it is so cute when he gets into it.

he gave up at one point because he didn't think he was ever going to win. so uncle tim offered to play a hand as a team...

and wouldn't you know, they won. then nick didn't want to play the next round... i don't blame him. it was almost time for bed... you gotta go out on top! 


Anonymous said...

okay, that's cute...but.....i think one condition of the griffey-sitting is that we get to see maeve on the blog. it's a pretty good deal.
ps - are you at cheryl's house? that table looks familiar.

Anonymous said...

haha..i noticed that too...yes I have been hogging maeve for days.