Thursday, August 11, 2011

playing catch up

tuesday, august 9th - day 330:

today started out like any other day.

my parents came over for a visit. my dad was helping tim in the kitchen. i was getting the camera ready to capture him electrocuting himself (which didn't happen).

then later that night, i got the scare of a lifetime. maeve was having trouble breathing. she took three deep breaths in, like she was gasping, trying to catch her breath. and started to turn pale. i rubbed her back a little and she started breathing normally again. the whole thing lasted only a few seconds, but it seemed like forever.

long story short, we ended up taking her to the hospital and after ruling out a lot of different things they said they would still like to keep her overnight for testing, which at this point was 6am on wednesday.

wednesday, august 10th - day 331:

they hooked maeve up to a machine to monitor her heart rate, breathing, and oxygen levels. this machine is programed to beep if any of her levels are not where they need to be. 

after asking me a million questions and monitoring her closely, they concluded that there is nothing wrong with her.

apparently sometimes infants do crazy things that they can't explain. they have intermittent breathing, reflux problems, crazy skin color issues... they are still trying to figure out how to live outside the womb.

although there is no answer, which is a little disconcerting, the good thing is, there is nothing wrong with her. she is completely normal. and they don't think that anything like this will happen again... but unfortunately, they cannot guarantee it. 

thursday, august 11th - day 332:

finally back at home! maeve decided that after being all cooped up in the hospital, she needed to relax and enjoy a pacifier. 

which she has previously never wanted or taken. we are not against giving her one, she just doesn't, or i guess i should say "didn't", like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mindy what a terrible scare to go though but always be safe and let the doctors make the call. Never let anyone make you feel like you're a young mother and being over protective. You know your baby better than anyone and you know if something is not right. I love all your pictures you are truly blessed!
Cousin Maureen