Thursday, August 25, 2011

monthly picture

day 346:

i totally stole this idea from a girl i know, but it's super cute!

i ordered these stickers online, they start from newborn and go to 12 months old.

you're supposed to put one on a onesie each month so you can see how big your kid gets. 

we are a little behind because i didn't see this until just the other day. so we won't be able to do the newborn shot, and the one month is really a month and a half, but we will get on track now!

also, they say if you put the baby in the same spot, with the same toy each time you take the picture you can really see how much she changes.

so here she is, on the couch, with her new toy! (this came in the mail today from a friend in jersey)

let's see how big she is next month!!


Anonymous said...

so now you need to keep the blog going for another year so we can see all the onesies!! haha
mom aka gram

Anonymous said...

sounds like a good full year of Maeve - Auntie

Switzer-land said...

i need those!!!!

Caroline said...

She is SO CUTE!!!!!