Wednesday, August 3, 2011

bird house

day 324:

never a dull moment at the balut household...

yesterday i told tim that there was a bird in our wood stove, but when he got home it was nowhere to be seen.

he had the door wide open and there was no bird.

(you have to look close in these pictures, but the bird is in the bottom left hand corner)

but then today it was back. i don't know if it was coming and going or just hiding, but today when he opened the door, it flew out into the house.

griffey was in her glory, or at least she was until tim put her in her crate, then she was beside herself. she couldn't believe that this was her one chance to actually catch a bird and we were locking her up.

once griffey was secure in her crate, tim captured the little bird and released it outside.

i was a little nicer about getting rid of the bird than i was about getting rid of the mice. i guess i think they aren't as terrible as the little vermin. 

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