Saturday, August 13, 2011

taking it easy

day 334:

after a few "exciting" days, we decided to just chill today.

well tim did yard work all day, but me and the girls took it easy.

there was plenty i should have done, but what would be the fun it that?

and as a photography side note (since this is supposed to be a blog about learning how to use my camera)... i know that griffey is blurry, but i had my aperture set too low and by the time i changed it the moment was over. i have a better picture taken after this... well, it is in better focus, but maeve isn't looking at griff. i liked the moment in this one better. so i posted the better moment, not the better picture. because sometimes it's not about how great the quality is, but how great the moment is. to me photography is about capturing special moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love that griff is blurry! maeve is the focus, and she's looking right at her furry friend :)
mom aka gram