Monday, August 1, 2011

"Smartest Products of the Decade"

day 322:

i registered for (and received) this thermometer.

i had heard that it was good, but i had no idea how good.

the package stated that it was "one of the 25 smartest products of the decade, listed with iPod, Netflix, Blackberry, Google..."

iPod, Netflix, Blackberry and Google?!! that is a pretty amazing group of products. this thermometer is pretty amazing, but as amazing as Google? as awesome as an iPod? as life changing as my Blackberry? 

i'm not so sure.

don't get me wrong, it is great, i just don't know that it is in the same category as the aforementioned products.

we'll have to wait and see.

1 comment:

Switzer-land said...

I hope you DON'T have to use it ever, but it's pretty good. Not as good as google, but at least as good as a Segway =)