Tuesday, September 13, 2011


day 365:

i can't believe it has been an entire year.

when i started this project i had no idea what it would turn into.

first of all, i thought it was going to be easy... it was not.

sometimes there wasn't anything to take pictures of. sometimes i was tired and didn't feel like blogging. sometimes i didn't have time to sit and come up with anything witty or amusing to write. sometimes i wondered about what i had gotten myself into.

but i'm glad i stuck it out... because sometimes in those moments when i had to get creative, my favorite blogs were born.

and interestingly enough, i thought that this would just be a blog of pictures, but it was so much more than that. it was a journal. a window into the life of mindy balut. a memento of who i am.

and who am i? 

i am a wife. a sister. a daughter. a shoe lover, dog lover, food lover. a business card collector.

i am sensitive. lovable. funny. caring. hopeful. dedicated. creative. 

i am a teacher. a student. a friend. a confidante. 

i am a mother.

i am a writer. a dreamer. a wisher. 

i am a photographer.


Anonymous said...

perfect end to a wonder-filled year. thank you for sharing your talents and yourself, mindy. i have been blessed by your blog each day, and look forward to many more photos in the years to come.
love, mom

ps - you are beautiful. on the inside and the outside.

Caroline L. said...

I also loved following your blog. Not only was the photography beautiful, but your insight was witty and intelligent.
Thanks for sharing :)

Anonymous said...

Great job Mindy. Your writing and photography are wonderful. I'm going to miss seeing and hearing about you and your beautiful family. Strange, we don't even know each other but I feel like I'm losing a little piece of family. dlpcummings

Us said...

you've come a long way, baby! Thanks for letting us share your photos and stories for 365 days! You were like our own personal daily news - it will be missed -
Jim, Sheila, Bryan, & David