Thursday, September 1, 2011

back to work

day 353:

for those of you that don't know, or didn't pick up on the comment in the last blog, i extended my maternity leave for another 6 weeks.

i am totally thrilled about staying home with maeve for these extra weeks.

but at the same time, it is a little strange not going back to work.

for the last six years i started every fall by getting ready for my students and now, this year began without me.

i didn't meet the new faculty. i didn't set up my room. i didn't pass out a syllabus. i didn't explain the lunch schedule 25 times. i didn't pass out books day one and get dirty looks from students that thought this year was going to be easy. i didn't do any of it.

and yet, on tim's first day back to work, he came home with flowers for me.

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