Saturday, September 3, 2011

happy 80

day 355:

my grandpa turned 80!

we wanted to celebrate. and the best way to do that is with food and family.

and a pool always helps.

maeve fell asleep at one point and uncle matt put toys all over her. he said that's what happens when you pass out at a party.

maeve also got in the pool for the first time.

she loved it! well, not at first. she kinda cried a little, but i think she was just being dramatic cause after a little while she was enjoying it.

i tried to take a lot of pictures while i was there. i only have 10 days left of the blog, and i thought it would be nice to get a few more people on here.

usually people hide from my camera, but there was so much going on, i don't think they noticed i was taking pictures.

all in all it was a great party.

happy 80th grandpa. i love you to pieces!! 

1 comment:

Caity Welz said...

Uncle Matt is too funny... :-)