Monday, September 5, 2011

photo op

day 357:

i absolutely love my camera (obviously)

but the bad part about it is it's really heavy. 

people use their cameras to get shots of themselves all the time. 

they hold the camera at arms length and click away.

unfortunately i can't do that with mine.

it's so awkward. it's really too bulky to hold in one hand, and even if i do get it situated in one hand, at arms length, the button is on the right side, which means that if i'm holding it in my right hand and facing it at me, the button is on the left. which means my finger can't exactly reach to push the button.

so if i switch and hold it in my left hand, i can't hold the weight of the camera because it's heavy on the right side.

it probably doesn't make sense to you, but if you have a camera like this you would know what i mean.

aaaannnywaaays... i was trying to take a picture of maeve and myself.

this is what i got.

it makes me laugh to see them though.

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