Thursday, May 26, 2011

what have i become

day 255:

i am a dog person. (like i really had to say that)

but this is a little ridiculous.

as i was driving to a friend's, i realized that there is paper everywhere in my car.

you see, griffey likes to tear paper up. so while i'm driving, and paying attention to the road, she will find anything she can... a pay stub, a receipt, a post-it... anything, and she will tear it to shreds. 

as i was shaking my head at the paper, i then notices all the nose marks on my windshield. 

griffey insists on pressing her wet snout all over my window. 

and the sad part is, even if/when i clean, she just does it all over again.

i remember the days when i didn't even like one little thing out of place in my car. i used to keep air fresheners fresh, and the leather polished.

now... well, let's just say, now i don't.

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