Friday, May 27, 2011

no pulp = no good

day 256:

tim and i don't agree on everything.

one of the biggest disagreements we have is about orange juice. 

tim likes oj with no pulp. can you believe it?!

i, on the other hand, like lots of pulp. 

how do we solve this problem, you wonder? well, we buy two kinds of orange juice. a his and hers, so to speak.

but this morning... this morning i was out of mine, so i thought i would just have one glass of his.

i took one sip and dumped the rest down the drain.

it was like orange medicine or something. i like my juice to seem fresh squeezed. i want to drink my oj and close my eyes and imagine that i am drinking it straight from the juicer. 

who's with me? 


Anonymous said...

Pulp, yes! And glad to hear you're getting that Vitamin C. :)

Caroline said...

I have to agree with Tim on this one. No pulp, unless it really is freshly squeezed.

Switzer-land said...

I like whatever is labeled "most pulp," "lots of pulp," "extra pulp" ... if there were a "mostly pulp" i'd be okay with that too