Monday, May 30, 2011

boys will be boys

day 259:

i'm not sure what it is about guns that intrigues boys so much...

and i'm not sure what it is about pain that is so funny to them either...

my brother, his friend, and our two cousins decided to use air soft guns and paintball guns on each other.

for fun.

they each took turns shooting at each other. one person would put on the mask and head to the edge of the woods, while the others stood by the house taking turns shooting at the live target.

and laughing every time someone got hit.

the "rules" were, you weren't supposed to shoot on automatic, and you were supposed to stop shooting the person when they ran out of the woods.

both rules were broken.

of course i was there taking pictures... and i have to admit, i was laughing pretty hard too.

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