Wednesday, May 18, 2011

my shoe collection

day 247:

i can't really complain. i mean, so far this pregnancy has been pretty easy.

i have not been sick one single day. i have had no heartburn. and there are a whole bunch of other things that i have not had to deal with either...

i do get tired, but i try to go to bed at a reasonable hour, so that usually helps.

but... my feet. 

lately, my feet have started to swell so bad that even my nike free wonder shoes aren't cutting it.

it's a good thing it's spring and flip flops are socially acceptable because that is alllllll i wear.

1 comment:

jill egan said...

I hate to say it, but its probably only going to get worse as the weather gets warmer. :(
For my pregnancy with Anna, my feet were enormous! I was wearing flip flops through the winter and then even those got too tight. I had to by crocs (which I think look silly on adults) in a size bigger than normal because those were the ONLY thing that fit. I looked ridiculous walking (more like waddling at that point!) around the office that I worked at in crocs and dress pants.
Make sure Tim gives you lots of foot rubs! :)