Saturday, November 20, 2010


day sixty eight:

well, this year at superbowl i bowled my little heart out.

i didn't roller skate, because used roller skates gross me out... i don't know why that doesn't translate to used bowling shoes. maybe it's the fact that roller skates have all that padding in them, just soaking up the nasty feet juices, but bowling shoes are just two pieces of leather sewed together to a sole.

anyways, i saved my energy by playing "apples to apples" and "taboo" while everyone roller skated....

so then when we got to bowling i was all ready to go. and i killed it! my first game i bowled a 127! the second game wasn't great, but then julia, matt, nothe and i played one last game... where i won (matt wasn't really playing, but still). it came down to the last frame for nothe and i. but he choked. 

and yes... these pictures were taken after midnight... about 5:00am to be exact.

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