Wednesday, November 17, 2010

here's my card

day sixty five:

i have secrets. i think most people do. 

and today i would like to share one with you all...

when i was a child i used to collect business cards. that's right. you heard me. 
b u s i n e s s  c a r d s .

you think it's no big deal? it's just  a little hobby? well here's the best part, i had over four hundred cards. yup, i counted them. more than once.

i'm not sure where they all went. perhaps my parents threw them out so they could pretend they had a normal child. or more likely, perhaps i lost them. wherever they are, i can't help but still be fascinated by people's cards.

in fact, i'm thinking of making my own. i have always wanted to say, "here's my card".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Threw them out!!!! Never. I am sure they are in one of the many boxes in our basement. ;)