Thursday, November 18, 2010

little friends

day sixty six:

although griffey destroys most things, she loves to keep her stuffed animals intact. she plays with them all the time, but never chews them.

she actually has one or two other stuffed animals too, but she likes these two the best.

maybe she gets her love of stuffed animals from me. cause i sure do love stuffed animals. although... it is not socially acceptable for me to own them anymore. but i used to have lots!


mlongo said...

I believe the biggest box in the move out of allen pk was a box of stuffed animals!!!

Anonymous said...

let's see, there was no-bones, mon chi-chi, winnie the pooh...wait...there were two kids that had a pooh bear. mindy's was "pooby". ;)

Mindy Balut said...

first of all, the fact that KC Kasum was not the first name on your list is unacceptable. i think he has one single tear on his sad - flea market face.