Saturday, November 6, 2010

home sweet home

day fifty four:

well, after three days in the hospital, we are finally home.

tim is feeling soo much better. thanks to everyone who prayed, called, worried, visited, and even just thought of us. we really appreciate all of your support. all of the tests came back negative, so it is just an infection in the lung that can be fixed with antibiotics. not bad at all.

this first shot is of tim waiting for his ride home. it was the first time he was allowed to leave his quarantined room in the three days he spent there. (and i love that he had to wear his cut-up shirt home)

the second picture is my favorite... 

thanks to my parents for watching our little griffey while we were away.

but here, i think it's obvious that she is glad to be home with us, just as much as we are glad to be home with her.

here's a close-up of her cute little face.


Anonymous said...

Is this what it takes to get Tim's pic on the blog??

Anonymous said...

i must say though, that in the top photo he does look like someone that might have a communicable disease!!

mlongo said...

thats my friendlys!!!!!!!!!!

Katie Slater said...

glad to hear things are better! i have been thinking about you guys!