Tuesday, September 21, 2010

what's in a name

day eight:

i always thought that it would be romantic (in some kind of traditional way) to take my husband's last name. but i never imagined that it would be this difficult to get used to. for 28 years i have been a longo. for 5 years i have been at a job where everyone, and i mean everyone, calls me by my last name... to students  and faculty alike i am "ms. longo" or even just plain "longo"... but over this last year everyone, including me, has had to get used to calling me "ms. balut". 

so, my picture today is in honor of my name change. it was a christmas present from tim. he made it out of old books and it's my new name so i absolutely love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the name change is huge....10 years later when the Ford Dealership calls to tell me "Mrs. DiFelice your car is ready" I look over my shoulder for Andrew's grandmother :)