Wednesday, September 15, 2010

photo project...

so, today i had an idea. i've got this new camera. i have a million things to learn about it. i want to blog about the experiences i have with it, so... my idea is to take one photo a day and blog about it. i know that there will be some days where i will take many photos... be it at a party, a vacation, the beach, camping... you get the drift. but then there are regular days. days where nothing happens... well, nothing but life that is. so, i am going to take one photo a day, for one year. 

today i actually took a few pictures, but the one i decided to blog about is the starbucks 
coffee. i don't know how many i have consumed over the years, but it never gets old. never. 

i am looking forward to seeing where this project takes me.

1 comment:

Diane said...

i recognize that hand. :)