Thursday, September 9, 2010

first blog. ever.

i have to be honest... i have never written a blog before. i'm not exactly sure how this will turn out. i figure, i'll either get addicted and blog alllll the time, or i will give up altogether. i'm betting on the latter.

a couple of things i should get out at the beginning... i always write in lowercase letters. in high school i fell in love with e.e. cummings' poetry. for those that don't know, he pushed the limits of text on paper. using upper and lowercase letters to help express his feelings. also, instead of writing in regular stanzas, he placed his words all over the paper. exploring the world of poetry beyond simple lines of text. my favorite example of this is his famous poem 
"r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r" or grasshopper. so now, in honor of the amazing poet, i write in all lowercase letters.

i also love to use ellipses. they says so much without saying anything at all...

so, i suppose this is where the journey begins. i am waiting patiently for my camera to come in the mail. yeah, that's right, my camera. i will soon be the proud owner of a nikon d90 slr, and i cannot wait! it is because of the purchase of this camera that i thought i would start a blog. my hopes are to one day become a professional photographer, but in the meantime i will use the camera to document my life... which by the way is pretty amazing. or at least i think so.

i also have a hidden agenda... 

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