Tuesday, September 28, 2010

itsy bitsy

day fifteen:

getting ready for bed. all i had to do is take a picture and post then i was going to sleep. and then it happened... at the top of the stairs there was a giant spider. the hairy kind. so i did what any normal person would do. i took a picture of him for my blog and then i squished him with a shoe. 


Anonymous said...

then you laid awake wondering if his cousins were coming after you. hahaha

Mindy Balut said...

this is so true. i think i had dreams about him crawling on me... either that or it was his cousins.

caity said...

dislike. i have been peacefully coexisting with the small spider living by the window in my classroom. I clear out his web every couple of days, but i have not attempted to kill him since the first day i found him. I found one next to my bed today though. that was not acceptable. i sucked him up with the vaccuum.

the one you have there? yea. not acceptable for inside the house.

mlongo said...

im sure after you took care of this one you were fine since, "spiders are territorial, there are never more than one in the same place"