Monday, October 18, 2010

yup. again.

day thirty five:

i know you are all sick of the dog... well maybe not all of you... 

but here's the problem, i don't have any willing models living in my house. and sometimes i'm too busy to get out and take pictures of awesome things! 

what you are all probably realizing is that my life is not as interesting as you all once thought it was. in fact it's kinda ordinary. 

like tonight, i went to costco and stop & shop. nothing there to take pictures of. 

so my apologies, but this dog was the most interesting thing about my day. and the bone sticking out of her mouth makes me giggle.


Anonymous said...

i love it!

Anonymous said...

um, that was me, mom, as anonymous. cuz that's the only way i can figure this out. i forgot my google password.

bryan said...

we want pictures of timmay!