Friday, October 15, 2010

black and white

day thirty two:

trying out some different kinds of black and whites.

these are three of my cousins.

there is nothing better than a kid in a hood. hahaha

looks like someone is ready for bed :)

and this last one i did not take... my cousin bryan was being the paparazzi for the night, and i thought this was his best shot. so i changed it to black and white. someone get this kid a camera. he's got talent! hahaha.


Not Bryan said...

That kid Bryan has some talentttt!

mlongo said...

nice picture bryan, now wheres the pic of tim????

Anonymous said...

haha. i didn't choose that one, although the one bryan took of you is pretty awesome too!

mlongo said...

with the "nothe" face???

Anonymous said...

not even nothe can look that good